University of Washington Courses and Requirements
The University of Washington is a public research university in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 1861, UW is one of the oldest universities on the West Coast and is consistently ranked among the top universities in the United States.
The university offers several bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs through its 140 departments. Many US and international students make the University of Washington their choice of institution due to its undergraduate and high-level graduate courses.
So if you have decided to pursue a degree at this prestigious institution, then below is the list of the University of Washington undergraduate and graduate courses you can enroll in. These courses are offered in the UW multi-campus university in Bothell, Seattle, and Tacoma as well as the world-class academic medical center.
University of Washington Courses
There are various undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered in the school that you can enroll in. The University of Washington also offers free online courses with certificates for professionals, lifelong learners, and international students who are willing to learn from their comfort zone.
Below is a list of graduate and undergraduate programs offered at the University of Washington for both citizens and international students.
College of Arts and Sciences
- African Studies
- American Ethnic Studies
- Afro-American Studies (AFRAM)
- American Ethnic Studies (AES)
- Asian American Studies (AAS)
- Chicano Studies (CHSTU)
- Swahili (SWA)
- Tagalog (TAGLG)
- American Indian Studies (AIS)
- Anthropology
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Archaeology (ARCHY)
- Biological Anthropology (BIO A)
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics (AMATH)
- Computational Finance and Risk Management (CFRM)
- Arctic Studies (ARCTIC)
- School of Art, Art History, and Design
- Art (ART)
- Art History (ART H)
- Design (DESIGN)
- Asian Languages and Literature
- Asian Languages and Literature (ASIAN)
- Bengali (BENG)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Hindi (HINDI)
- Indian (INDN)
- Indonesian (INDO)
- Japanese (JAPAN)
- Korean (KOREAN)
- Sanskrit (SNKRT)
- South Asia (S ASIA)
- Thai (THAI)
- Urdu (URDU)
- Vietnamese (VIET)
- Astrobiology and Early Evolution (ASTBIO)
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Botany
- Canadian Studies
- Center for Statistics and Social Sciences (CS SS)
- Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE)
- Center for the Humanities (HUM)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- China Studies
- Cinema and Media Studies
- Cinema and Media Studies (CMS)
- Comparative Literature (C LIT)
- Classics
- Classical Archaeology (CL AR)
- Classical Linguistics (CL LI)
- Classics (CLAS)
- Greek (GREEK)
- Latin (LATIN)
- Communication
- Communication (COM)
- Communication Leadership (COMMLD)
- Comparative History of Ideas (CHID)
- Comparative Religion
- Computer Science
- Dance (DANCE)
- Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS)
- Disability Studies (DIS ST)
- Drama (DRAMA)
- Economics (ECON)
- English (ENGL)
- European Studies
- French and Italian Studies
- French (FRENCH)
- Italian (ITAL)
- Textual and Digital Studies (TXTDS)
- Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (GWSS)
- General Studies
- General Studies (GEN ST)
- Individualized Studies (INDIV)
- Geography (GEOG)
- German Studies (GERMAN)
- Greek (Modern)
- Hellenic Studies
- History
- Ancient and Medieval History (HSTAM)
- Comparative and Transregional History (HSTCMP)
- History of Africa and the Middle East (HSTAFM)
- History of Asia (HSTAS)
- History of Latin America and the Caribbean (HSTLAC)
- History of Modern Europe (HSTEU)
- History of North America (United States and Canada) (HSTAA)
- History Seminars and Independent Studies (HSTRY)
- History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)
- Honors — See Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Programs
- Humanities (See Center for the Humanities)
- Integrated Science (INTSCI)
- Integrated Social Sciences (ISS)
- Jackson School of International Studies
- Comparative Religion (RELIG)
- International Studies (Gateway/Core) (JSIS)
- International Studies (Area Studies) (JSIS A)
- International Studies (Global/Thematic) (JSIS B)
- International Studies (Comparative Religion/Jewish Studies) (JSIS C)
- International Studies (JSIS D)
- International Studies (Language) (JSIS E)
- Jewish Studies (JEW ST)
- Japan Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Korean Studies
- Labor Studies (LABOR)
- Latin America and Caribbean Studies
- Law, Societies, and Justice (LSJ)
- Linguistics
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Microbiology (MICROM)
- Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Aramaic (ARAMIC)
- Coptic (COPTIC)
- Egyptian (EGYPT)
- Ge’ez (GEEZ)
- Hebrew
- Biblical Hebrew (BIBHEB)
- Modern Hebrew (MODHEB)
- Near Eastern Languages and Civilization (NEAR E)
- Persian (PRSAN)
- Turkic (TURKIC)
- Chagatai (CHGTAI)
- Kazakh (KAZAKH)
- Kyrgyz (KYRGYZ)
- Uygur (UYGUR)
- Uzbek (UZBEK)
- Turkish (TKISH)
- Ugaritic (UGARIT)
- Music
- Music (MUSIC)
- Music – Applied (MUSAP)
- Music Education (MUSED)
- Music Ensemble (MUSEN)
- Music History (MUHST)
- Music Performance (MUSICP)
- Neuroscience
- Neurobiology (NBIO)
- Neuroscience (NEUSCI)
- Philosophy
- Ethics (ETHICS)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Political Science (POL S)
- Psychology
- Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology (PSYCAP)
- Clinical Psychology (PSYCLN)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Romance Languages and Literature
- See French and Italian Studies
- See Spanish and Portuguese Studies
- Russian and Eastern European Studies
- Scandinavian Studies
- Danish (DANISH)
- Estonian (ESTO)
- Finnish (FINN)
- Latvian (LATV)
- Lithuanian (LITH)
- Norwegian (NORW)
- Scandinavian (SCAND)
- Swedish (SWED)
- Slavic Languages and Literatures
- Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian (BCMS)
- Bulgarian (BULGR)
- Czech (CZECH)
- Georgian (GEORG)
- Global Literary Studies (GLITS)
- Polish (POLSH)
- Romanian (ROMN)
- Russian (RUSS)
- Slavic Languages and Literatures (SLAVIC)
- Slovenian (SLVN)
- Ukrainian (UKR)
- Sociology (SOC)
- South Asian Studies
- Southeast Asian Studies
- Spanish and Portuguese Studies
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Spanish Linguistics (SPLING)
- Speech and Hearing Sciences (SPHSC)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Women Studies (WOMEN)
- Zoology — See Biology (BIOL)
College of Built Environments
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Built Environment (B E)
- Construction Management (CM)
- Landscape Architecture (L ARCH)
- Real Estate (R E)
- Urban Planning
- Community, Environment, and Planning (CEP)
- Infrastructure Planning and Management (IPM)
- Urban Planning (URBDP)
Foster School of Business
- Accounting (ACCTG)
- Business Administration
- Administration (ADMIN)
- Business Administration (B A)
- Business Administration Research Methods (BA RM)
- Business Analytics (BUS AN)
- Business Communications (B CMU)
- Business Economics (B ECON)
- Entrepreneurship (ENTRE)
- Finance (FIN)
- Information Systems (I S)
- Information Systems Master of Science (MSIS)
- International Business (I BUS)
- Management (MGMT)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Operations Management (OPMGT)
- Quantitative Methods (QMETH)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
School of Dentistry
- Dentistry
- Dental Clinical (DENTCL)
- Dental Electives (DENTEL)
- Dental Foundations (DENTFN)
- Dental General Practice (DENTGP)
- Dental Hygiene (D HYG)
- Dental Pre-Clinical (DENTPC)
- Dental Public Health Sciences (DPHS)
- Dental Selectives (DENTSL)
- Dentistry (DENT)
- Oral Surgery (O S)
- Pedodontics (PEDO)
- Endodontics (ENDO)
- Oral Biology (ORALB)
- Oral Health Sciences (OHS)
- Oral Medicine (ORALM)
- Orthodontics (ORTHO)
- Periodontics (PERIO)
- Prosthodontics (PROS)
- Restorative Dentistry (RES D)
College of Education
- Curriculum and Instruction (EDC&I)
- College of Education (EDUC)
- Early Care and Education (ECE)
- Early Childhood and Family Studies (ECFS)
- Education (Teacher Education Program) (EDTEP)
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (EDLPS)
- Educational Psychology (EDPSY)
- Special Education (EDSPE)
College of Engineering
- Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Aeronautics and Astronautics (A A)
- Aerospace Engineering (A E)
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering (CHEM E)
- Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
- Construction, Energy, and Sustainable Infrastructure (CESI)
- Environmental Engineering (CEWA)
- Structural and Geotechnical Engineering and Mechanics (CESG)
- Transportation Engineering (CET)
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Computer Science and Engineering — Accelerated Masters Program (CSE M)
- Computer Science and Engineering — Data Science (CSE D)
- Computer Science and Engineering — Professional Masters Program (CSE P)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (E E)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE)
- Industrial Engineering (IND E)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
- Mechanical Engineering (M E)
College of the Environment
- Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (FISH)
- Atmospheric Sciences (ATM S)
- College of the Environment
- College of the Environment (C ENV)
- Science Teaching (SCI T)
- Earth and Space Sciences (ESS)
- Program on the Environment (ENVIR)
- School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
- Bioresource and Science Engineering (BSE)
- Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM)
- School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS)
- Friday Harbor Labs (FHL)
- School of Marine and Environmental Affairs (SMEA)
- Marine Biology (MARBIO)
- Oceanography (OCEAN)
- Center for Quantitative Science
- Quantitative Science (Q SCI)
- Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management (QERM)
- Quaternary Sciences (QUAT)
The Information School
- Informatics (INFO)
- Information Management and Technology (IMT)
- Information Science (INSC)
- Information Technology Applications (ITA)
- Library and Information Science (LIS)
- Library Information Technology in Schools (LITS)
Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
- Biomolecular Structure and Design (BMSD)
- Data Science (DATA)
- Graduate School (GRDSCH)
- Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCID)
- Individual PhD (IPHD)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)
- Molecular Engineering (MOLENG)
- Museology (MUSEUM)
- Near and Middle Eastern Studies (N MES)
- Neuroscience (NEURO)
- Nutritional Science (NUTR)
- Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STSS)
- Technology Innovation (TECHIN)
Interschool or Intercollege Programs
- Bioengineering
- Bioengineering (BIOEN)
- Pharmaceutical Bioengineering (PHARBE)
- Global Health (G H)
- University Conjoint Courses (UCONJ)
School of Law
- Law (LAW)
- Law A (LAW A)
- Law B (LAW B)
- Law C (LAW C)
- Law E (LAW E)
- Law (Health) (LAW H)
- Law (Intellectual Property) (LAW P)
- Law (Taxation) (LAW T)
School of Medicine
- Anesthesiology (ANEST)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Bioethics and Humanities (B H)
- Biological Structure (B STR)
- Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education (BIME)
- Comparative Medicine (C MED)
- Conjoint Courses (CONJ)
- Family Medicine (FAMED)
- Genome Sciences (GENOME)
- Global Health (G H)
- Health Metrics Sciences (HMS)
- Human Biology (HUBIO)
- Immunology (IMMUN)
- Laboratory Medicine (LAB M)
- Medicine, Department of
- Emergency Medicine (MED EM)
- Genetic Counseling (GCNSL)
- Medicine (MED)
- Medicine Elective Clerkships (MEDECK)
- Medicine Required Clerkships (MEDRCK)
- Medical Science (MEDSCI)
- Microbiology (MICROM)
- Neurological Surgery (NEUR S)
- Neurology (NEURL)
- Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB GYN)
- Ophthalmology (OPHTH)
- Orthopaedics (ORTHP)
- Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (OTOHN)
- Pathology (PATH)
- Pediatrics (PEDS)
- Pharmacology (PHCOL)
- Physiology and Biophysics (P BIO)
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (PBSCI)
- Radiation Oncology (R ONC)
- Radiology (RADGY)
- Rehabilitation Medicine
- Prosthetics and Orthotics (RHB PO)
- Rehabilitation Medicine (REHAB)
- Surgery (SURG)
- Urology (UROL)
School of Nursing
- Nursing
- Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH)
- Nursing (NSG)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing Clinical (NCLIN)
- Nursing Methods (NMETH)
School of Pharmacy
- School of Pharmacy
- Health Economic Outcomes Research (HEOR)
- Medicinal Chemistry (MEDCH)
- Pharmaceutics (PCEUT)
- Pharmacy (PHARM)
- Pharmacy (PHRMCY)
- Pharmacy Practice (PHARMP)
- Pharmacy Practice (PHRMPR)
- Pharmacy Regulatory Affairs (PHRMRA)
Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
- Public Affairs Executive MPA (PA EX)
- Public Policy (PUBPOL)
- Public Policy and Management (PPM)
School of Public Health
- Biostatistics (BIOST)
- Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
- Environmental Health (ENV H)
- Epidemiology (EPI)
- Global Health (G H)
- Health Systems and Population Health
- Health Informatics and Health Information Management (HIHIM)
- Health Services (HSERV)
- Health Services Management (HSMGMT)
- Nutritional Science (NUTR)
- Pathobiology (PABIO)
- Public Health Genetics (PHG)
- School of Public Health
- Public Health Interdisciplinary (PHI)
- School of Public Health (SPH)
Reserve Officers Training Corps Programs
- Aerospace Studies (A S)
- Military Science (M SCI)
- Naval Science (N SCI)
Social Work
- Social Welfare BASW (SOC WF)
- Social Welfare (SOC WL)
- Social Work (MSW) (SOC W)
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Programs
- Arctic Studies (ARCTIC)
- Honors (HONORS)
- Leadership (LEAD)
University of Washington Courses and Entry Requirements
Courses | Exams |
MS(65 Courses) |
: 60.0-106.0 : 6.5-7.5 : Accepted |
M.Arch(4 Courses) |
: 80.0 & Above : 6.5 & Above : 105.0 & Above |
B.E. / B.Tech(39 Courses) |
: 76.0 & Above : 6.0 & Above : 105.0 & Above |
MIM(8 Courses) |
: 80.0-100.0 : 7.0 & Above : Accepted |
MBA/PGDM(3 Courses) |
: 80.0-100.0 : Accepted : 6.5 & Above |
M.A.(33 Courses) |
: 61.0-80.0 |
B.Sc.(40 Courses) |
: 6.0 & Above : 76.0 & Above |
BBA(7 Courses) |
: 6.0 & Above : 76.0 & Above : 105.0 & Above |
MFA(1 Courses) |
: 80.0 & Above |
Above is the list of the University of Washington undergraduate and postgraduate courses and the admission requirements. You can check the school website at for further details on the courses offered and the requirements for enrollment.