Clemson University Graduate Degree Programs

Clemson University is a public land-grant research university in Clemson, South Carolina. Founded in 1889, Clemson is the second-largest university by enrollment in South Carolina.

Clemson University offers several graduate programs at various levels and most US and international students choose to pursue a degree at this prestigious institution because of its high graduate-level courses.

If you have been dreaming of pursuing a master’s or PhD degree program at Clemson University, then there are various postgraduate programs offered in the school that you can enroll in.

And attending this university will help you pursue specialized programs and make finding a job easier after graduation. Below is a list of graduate programs offered by Clemson University.

Clemson University Graduate Degree Programs

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences

Agricultural Education
Agricultural Education MAgEd
Agriculture MS PhD
Agriculture, Forestry & Life Sciences (Non-Degree Graduate) ND
Animal and Veterinary Science MS PhD
Applied Economics & Statistics MS
Entomology MS PhD
Food, Nutrition and Packaging Science PhD
Food, Nutrition, and Culinary Sciences MS
Forest Resources MFR MS PhD
Packaging Science
Packaging Science MS
Plant and Environmental Sciences MS PhD
Wildlife and Fisheries Biology MS PhD
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources MWFR

College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities

Architecture (MArch) MArch MArch
Architecture (MS) MS
City and Regional Planning MCRP
Construction Science and Management Cert MCSM
Digital History PhD
English MA
Historic Preservation MS
History MA
Integrated Project Delivery Cert
Landscape Architecture MLA
Planning, Design and the Built Environment PhD
Real Estate Development MRED
Resilient Urban Design MRUD
Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design PhD
Visual Arts MFA
Writing, Rhetoric, and Media MA

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Applied Health Research and Evaluation – MS MS
Applied Health Research and Evaluation – PhD PhD
Applied Psychology MS
Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences (Non-Degree Graduate) ND
Clinical and Translational Research Cert
Communication MA
Emergency Management Cert
Healthcare Genetics PhD
Homeland Defense and Security Cert
Human Factors Psychology PhD
Industrial/Organizational Psychology PhD
International Family & Comm. Studies: PROGRAM IS INACTIVE Cert PhD
International Parks and Tourism Cert
Leadership and Innovation in Health and Design Cert
Nursing MS
Nursing Practice DNP
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Mgt – MS (nonthesis-online) MS
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Mgt – PhD PhD
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Mgt – PhD (Online) PhD
Parks, Recreation & Tourism Mgt-MS (thesis) MS
Policy Studies PhD
Public Administration | Online Cert MPA
Social Science MS
Youth Development Leadership | Online Cert MS

College of Business

Accounting MPAcc
Business (Non-Degree Graduate) ND
Business Administration MBA
Business Administration (PHD) PhD
Business Administration Entrepreneurship MBA
Economic Analytics (STEM Designated) MS
Economics MA PhD
Graphic Communications MS
Management (MS) MS
Marketing MS

College of Education

Athletic Leadership Cert MS
Counselor Education (Clinical Mental Health) EdS MEd
Counselor Education (School Counseling) EdS MEd
Education (Non-Degree Graduate) ND
Education Systems Improvement Science EdD
Educational Leadership EdS MEd
Educational Leadership (Higher Ed or P-12) Cert PhD
Educational Leadership Cert Cert
English for Speakers of Other Languages Cert
Human Resource Development MHRD
Learning Sciences PhD
Literacy MEd
Literacy Coach Cert Cert
Literacy Specialist Cert Cert
Literacy Teacher Cert Cert
Literacy, Language, and Culture PhD
Middle-Level Education MAT
Online Teaching | Online Cert
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) | Online Cert
Secondary Education MAT
Special Education Cert MEd PhD
STEAM Education Cert Cert
Student Affairs MEd
Teacher Residency MAT
Teaching and Learning MEd PhD

College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences

Advanced Power Systems Cert
Applied Computing MAC
Automotive Engineering Cert MS PhD
Bioengineering MS PhD
Biomedical Data Science and Informatics MS PHD (joint degree)
Biomedical Engineering MEngr
Biosystems Engineering MS PhD
Chemical Engineering MS PhD
Civil Engineering Cert MEngr MS PhD
Computer Engineering MS PhD
Computer Science MS PhD
Digital Production Arts MFA MS
Electrical Engineering MEngr MS PhD
Engineering and Science Education Cert PhD
Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences (Non-Degree Graduate) ND
Environmental Engineering and Earth Science PhD
Environmental Engineering and Environmental Health Physics MS
Environmental Engineering and Science MS
Human Centered Computing PhD
Hydrogeology MS
Industrial Engineering MS PhD
Industrial Engineering (MEngr | Online) MEngr
Materials Science and Engineering MS MS PhD
Mechanical Engineering MS PhD
Medical Device Design, Recycling and Reprocessing Cert
Medical Device Reprocessing MS
Photonic Science and Technology MS PhD
Services Science, Management and Engineering: Suspended pending termination Cert
Supply Chain and Logistics Cert
Systems Engineering Cert
Technology Entrepreneurship Cert

College of Science

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MS PhD
Biological Sciences MS PhD
Biological Sciences (MS Nonthesis|Online) MS
Chemistry MS PhD
Data Science and Analytics MS
Environmental Toxicology MS PhD
Genetics MS PhD
Mathematical Sciences MS PhD
Medical Biophysics MS MS PhD
Microbiology MS PhD
Physics MS PhD
Science (Non-Degree Graduate) ND
System Analytics Cert

Interdisciplinary Programs

Policy Studies Cert
Resilient Systems MS
Transportation Safety Administration MTSA

Above is the list of Clemson University postgraduate courses. You can check the school website at for further details on the courses offered and the requirements for enrollment.

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