University of Rochester Tuition and Fees 2023-2024

If you are dreaming of pursuing a degree at the University of Rochester, then we have published the total cost of attending the University of Rochester for one academic year. This will help you to know if the University of Rochester is affordable or not.

To help you know what to budget, we have broken down the figures into direct costs (tuition, room, meals, etc.) and indirect costs (books, supplies, etc.).

So what does it cost to attend the University of Rochester? Below is the estimated cost of attendance for the 2023-2024 academic year.

University of Rochester Tuition and Fees

The total cost of attending the University of Rochester includes direct expenses billed by the school such as charges for room and meals, fees, and tuition as well as allowances and estimates for indirect expenses such as transportation, supplies, books, and personal and incidental expenses. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the total cost of attendance is shown in the table below.

Item Cost
Tuition $60,550
Fees $1,128
Housing & Food $18,100
Indirect costs (books, supplies, etc.) $1,310
Transportation* $300
Other expenses $1,080
Total $82,468

Tuition for Undergraduate Studies

College/Program Per Semester Per Year
Arts, Sciences & Hajim $30,275 $60,550
Dual degree River Campus primary $30,275 $60,550
Eastman School of Music $30,275 $60,550
Dual degree Eastman School Primary $30,275 $60,550
Nursing APNN – Summer $25,210
Nursing APNN – Fall & Spring $25,720
College/Program Per Credit Hour
Nursing – RN to BS Program $1,200
Nursing – other per credit hour $1,680

Tuition for Graduate Studies

College Per Credit Hour  
Arts and Sciences & Hajim $1,890
Non-Matriculated – Arts and Sciences & Hajim $1,890
Eastman School of Music $1,890
School of Nursing $1,680
School of Nursing – Fast Track Online Prerequisites (per course) $1,150
TEAM Program $2,000
Simon Executive MBA 1st year $2,072
Simon Executive MBA 2nd year $2,072
Simon MBA Part Time $2,229
Simon Medical Management $2,229
Simon Non-matriculated graduate $2,229
Simon PhD $2,229
Simon Online Masters Business Analytics $1,633
Warner School of Education $1,670
Per Semester Per Year
Simon MBA 1st Year $25,000 $50,000
Simon MBA 2nd Year (Spring) $24,500 $49,000
Simon MD/MBA $50,000 $100,000
Simon MS FT: Marketing Analytics and Business Analytics $35,500 $71,000
Simon MS FT Accountancy $32,500 $65,000
Simon MS Finance Full-time $41,750 $83,500
Applied Music Studies – Eastman Per Semester
One-hour lessons, 4 credit hours    (460A) $11,340
One-hour lessons, 3 credit hours    (460) $7,560
Half-hour lessons, 2 credit hours    (430A) $5,670
Half-hour lessons, 1.5 credit hours (430) $3,780

Program Fees

Program Semester Per Year
Hajim – TEAM $257 $514
Nursing – APNN Lab Fee $285 $855
Simon – Medical Management $650 $1,950
Simon – Medical Management (Two Year) $325 $975
Simon – MS Internship Track (one-time) $3,500
Simon – EMBA Class of $1,175 $2,350
Simon – EMBA Class of 2024 $2,000 Fall
$1,175 Spring
$1,175 Summer
Simon – Professional MBA (PMBA) $1,000
Simon – Online Masters Business Analytics $250 $500

Mandatory/Administrative Fees

Fee Per Semester Per Year
Mandatory Health Fee – Full-time students $378 $756
Transportation Fee – AS&E Undergraduates $24 $48
Comprehensive Fee – Eastman $240 $480
Eastman Incoming Graduate Orientation Fee* $300
AS&E and ESM Undergraduate Student Orientation Fee* $334
AS&E Mid-Year Orientation Fee* $166
Activity Fee – Undergraduate AS&E $160 $320
Activity Fee – Undergraduate Nursing $30 $90
Activity Fee – Graduate, AS&E and Nursing $10 $20
Activity Fee – Graduate Eastman $74 $148
Activity Fee – Graduate Simon FT $300 $600
Activity Fee – Graduate Simon PT $100 $300
Nursing – Technology Fee
  APNN and RN/BS/MS $65 $195
  RN/BS $40 $120
Nursing Mobile Device fee
  APNN matriculated prior to Fall $1,365 $4,095
  APNN matriculated Fall or after $1,250 $3,750
  RN/BS matriculated prior to Fall $120 $360
  RN/BS matriculated Fall or after $120 $360
  RN/BS/MS matriculated prior to Fall $200 $600
  RN/BS/MS matriculated Fall or after $200 $600
Health Professions Fee – Nursing $33 $99
Simon International Program Fee (one-time fee, assessed in Fall) $750
Senior Fee – AS&E and Eastman $37 $74
Hajim Equipment Fee – Undergraduate Junior & Senior Engineering Majors $568 $1,136
International Student Fee $53 $106
Dissertation/Continuation of Enrollment – Graduate AS&E, Warner, Nursing, Eastman $1,070
Dissertation/Continuation of Enrollment – Graduate Simon $750
Audit Fees – Arts & Science, Engineering, Warner, Nursing, and TEAM $196 per credit hour
Audit Fees – ESM $220 per credit hour
Audit Fees – Simon (flat-rate) $2,700
Leave of Absence Fee – Arts & Sciences, Hajim, ESM, and Warner $80
Campus Mail Center Box Fee $35 $70
Study Abroad fee, Non-UR programs $1,898 $3,796

*Charged in student’s first semester of attendance.

Health Fees

Health Fees Per Semester Per Year
Mandatory Health Fees $378 $756
Health Insurance $1,746 $3,492
Health Insurance, Spouse $3,492
Health Insurance, Child $3,492
Health Insurance, 2+ Children $6,984


Room Rent Per Semester Per Year
Standard Rate River Campus and Eastman $5,501 $11,002
Riverview $6,125 $12,250
Brooks Crossing (2,3, and 4 rooms) $6,125 $12,250
Brooks Crossing (1 bedroom) $6,578 $13,156
Maisonettes $5,501 $11,002
O’Brien $5,814 $11,628
Genesee Hall $5,814 $11,628
Valentine or deKiewiet (Southside) $5,332 $10,664
Hill Court One-bedroom apartments $5,983 $11,966

Discounts—Senior Citizens and Alumni

Per Course* Per Audit Course*
Alumni $250 discount $100 discount
Senior Citizens (60 & over) $250 discount $100 discount
Alumni who are also a senior citizen $500 discount $200 discount

For more information on living expenses, tuition costs, and financial aid programs for undergraduate and graduate students as well as how to pay your fees, visit the official school portal at

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