University of Kentucky Tuition and Fees 2023-2024

What does it cost to attend the University of Kentucky undergraduate and graduate programs? How much is the University of Kentucky tuition and estimated living expenses for in-state, out-of-state, and international students for one academic year?

Want to pursue your studies at the University of Kentucky and wondering how much is the University of Kentucky tuition and fees? If so, you are on the right page.

We have published the estimated cost of attending the University of Kentucky for a full academic year. These include tuition, fees, personal expenses, rooms and board, books, feeding, and transportation. So read on to know the total amount to budget for your educational expenses.

University of Kentucky Tuition and Fees

The costs listed below are the average amounts paid by the University of Kentucky students. These averages are used to calculate how much financial aid should be given to each student and are updated annually.

In State








Tuition and Fees 12,860 12,860 13,946 25,748
Room and Board 14,676 12,148 12,148 15,222
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,500
Travel 1,130 3,658 3,658 4,880
Personal 3,200 3,200 3,200 4,266
Loan Origination 84 84 168 208
TOTAL 33,150 33,150 34,320 51,824

Law budget covers 12 months









Tuition and Fees 32,276 32,276 34,260 51,380
Room and Board 14,676 12,148 12,148 15,222
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,500
Travel 2,110 4,638 4,638 6,184
Personal 3,200 3,200 3,200 4,266
Loan Origination 64 84 168 208
TOTAL 53,546 53,546 55,614 78,760

Law budget covers 12 months

In-State Living With Parents





Tuition and Fees 12,860 13,946 25,748
Room and Board 3,494 3,494 4,659
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200 1,500
Travel 3,658 3,658 4,880
Personal 3,200 3,200 4,266
Loan Origination 84 168 208
TOTAL 24,496 25,666 41,261

Law budget covers 12 months

In-State Online Only Programs




Tuition and Fees 14,268 2 3 12,854
Room and Board4 12,148 12,148
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200
Travel 1,130 3,658
Personal 3,200 3,200
Loan Origination 84 168
TOTAL 32,030 33,228

1. Applies to exclusive enrollment in Distance Education Courses.

2. Chart assumes 12 credit hours per term.  There is no full-time tuition cap for UKOnline undergraduate certificate and degree programs.

3. Undergraduate on-line rate = $594.50/hour.

4. Room and Board are Reduced to $3,658 If Living With Parents

Out-of-State Online Only Programs




Tuition and Fees 14,268 2, 3 12,854
Room and Board4 12,148 12,148
Books and Supplies 1,200 1,200
Travel 2,110 3,658
Personal 3,200 3,200
Loan Origination 84 168
TOTAL 33,010 33,228
  1. Applies to exclusive enrollment in Distance Education Courses.
  2. Chart assumes 12 credit hours per term.  There is no full-time tuition cap for UK Online undergraduate certificate and degree programs.
  3. Undergraduate on-line rate = $594.50 per hour.
  4. Room and Board Reduced to $3,658 If Living With Parents

Tuition Per Semester

Undergraduate Students

Online tuition rates are exclusively for Online Programs only


Resident $6,429.50
Non-Resident $16,138.00

Per credit hour 

Resident $526.50
Non-Resident $1,335.00

Active Duty Military – per credit hour only (9)

Resident and Non-Resident $296.50

Global ESL Pathway Program – full-time (10)

Resident $6,429.50
Non-Resident $16,138.00

Global ESL Pathway Program – per credit hour (10)

Resident $526.50
Non-Resident $1,335.00

Global Wildcats – per credit hour only (11)

Resident and Non-Resident $594.50

UK Next Generation Dual Credit — per credit hour only (12)

Resident and Non-Resident $91.00

UK ONLINE CAMPUS – per credit hour only (2)

Resident and Non-Resident $594.50

Tuition for Graduate Students

General – full-time

Resident $6,973.00
Non-Resident $17,129.50

General – per credit hour

Resident $762.00
Non-Resident $1,890.50

Graduate Students Enrolled Exclusively in Distance Education Courses – full-time (4)

Resident $6,427.00
Non-Resident $6,427.00

Graduate Students Enrolled Exclusively in Distance Education Courses – per credit hour (3) (4)

Resident $715.50
Non-Resident $715.50

Master or Graduate Certificate, Professional – full-time (13)

Resident $7,313.50
Non-Resident $17,527.00
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $6,767.50

Master or Graduate Certificate, Professional – per credit hour (13)

Resident $799.00
Non-Resident $1,934.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $752.50

Master or Graduate Certificate, Health Professional – full-time (14)

Resident $7,516.00
Non-Resident $17,761.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $6,970.00

Master or Graduate Certificate, Health Professional – per credit hour (14)

Resident $822.00
Non-Resident $1,960.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $775.50

Professional Practice Doctoral – full-time (15)

Resident $9,112.50
Non-Resident $23,697.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $8,566.50

Professional Practice Doctoral – per credit hour (15)

Resident $999.50
Non-Resident $2,620.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $953.00


College of Education

Graduate Certificate in Leadership for Deeper Learning

Graduate Certificate in Instructional Coaching

Graduate Certificate in School Technology Leadership

Graduate Certificate in Executive Education Leadership

Master of Education in Educational Leadership

Education Specialist in Teacher Leadership

Education Specialist in Principal Preparation

Superintendent Certification Program

Resident and Non-Resident $624.00
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $577.50

College of Medicine

Master of Forensic Toxicology and Analytical Genetics

Resident and Non-Resident $1,017.00
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $970.50

College of Public Health

Master of Public Health, Online

Resident and Non-Resident $731.00

Gatton College of Business and Economics

Master of Science in Finance

Resident $948.00
Non-Resident $1,326.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $901.50

Gatton College of Business and Economics

Master of Science in Marketing

Master of Science in Strategic Human Resource Management and Analytics

Master of Science in Supply Chain Management

Graduate Certificate in Analytics

Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management

Resident $913.50
Non-Resident $1,254.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $867.00

Annual Full-Time Rates (17)

College of Dentistry (18) (Annual Charges)

Resident $36,703.00
Non-Resident $79,133.50

Reduced curriculum load:

Resident $19,123.50
Non-Resident $40,339.00

Doctor of Pharmacy (19) (Annual Charges)

Resident $29,187.00
Non-Resident $54,755.50

Reduced curriculum load:

Resident $15,365.50
Non-Resident $28,150.00

Doctor of Physical Therapy (20) (Annual Charges)

Resident $22,665.50
Non-Resident $46,488.00

Reduced curriculum load:

Resident $12,105.50
Non-Resident $24,016.00

College of Law (21) (Annual Charges)

Resident $25,747.50
Non-Resident $51,380.00

Reduced curriculum load:

Resident $13,645.50
Non-Resident $26,462.00

College of Medicine (22) (Annual Charges)

Resident $41,265.50
Non-Resident $75,328.50

Reduced curriculum load:

Resident $21,405.00
Non-resident $38,436.50

Master of Science in Accounting (23) (Annual Charges)

One-Year, Full-Time

Resident $23,464.00
Non-Resident $32,107.00

Reduced curriculum load:

Resident $8,851.00
Non-resident $11,732.50

Master in Business Administration (24) (Annual Charges)

One-Year, Full-Time

Resident $36,916.00
Non-Resident $43,660.50

Professional Evening Two-Years, Full-Time

Resident $38,047.50
Non-Resident $44,784.50
Resident and Non-Resident (Online) $35,863.50

Professional Evening Three-Years, Part-Time

Resident $37,588.50
Non-Resident $44,326.00

For more information on living expenses, tuition costs, and financial aid programs for undergraduate and graduate students, visit the official school portal.

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