How to End a Medical School Personal Statement

Are you an aspiring medical student who is confused about how and how not to end a Medical School Statement? Do you want to know how to end your Medical School personal statement? Keep reading this article to get more information on how to end your Medical School Personal Statement.
As an aspiring medical student, choosing a good school is of utmost importance to your academic career. When applying to these schools, it is important to take time and do research on what to do and what not to do so that will not ruin your chances of getting into the college of your dream.
We hope that this article helps you with more insights into how to end your medical school personal statement.

How to Conclude Your Medical School Personal Statement

When applying for medical schools, writing a personal statement is one of the most important essays that you will write. You must ensure that your essay is perfect from the beginning to the end so that the admission team will be impressed.

The conclusion of your personal essay is just as hard as the beginning, your conclusion should be able to support the rest of your essay.

How to go About Writing your Conclusion

You need to let the examiner in on why exactly you want to study the medical career of your choice. You have to write a strong and captivating conclusion and not waver in your writing so that your essay can leave a lasting impression.

An examiner has tons of essays to read and can easily get bored with essays that are not captivating enough. The examiner may even skip the main body of the essay and go straight to the conclusion; this is why you need to make your conclusion attractive enough to catch the examiner’s attention and also make the examiner want to meet you.

Your Conclusion Has to Relate to the Body

The important skills and points you described in detail in the body of your medical school personal statement should be revisited in your conclusion.

Re-emphasize these skills in your conclusion, and circle back to your experiences, interests, and skills. You can give your statement a substantial-close and leave a lasting impression on the examiner.

University Experience

Talking about your university experience is an alternative approach to tackling your conclusion. This approach can only come in if you have clearly written about your passion, knowledge, and skills for medicine in the body of the essay.

You can talk about things like the people you met from different backgrounds, you can also write about wanting to make new friends with your interests and involving yourself with a local community.

Talk About Your Future Plans 

Talking long-term goals is a positive way to finish off your essay, this shows that you’re prepared for the future, and goal-orientated; the focus is one of the qualities that most examiners look for.

You do not need to talk about all your career plans, you just need to talk about it, giving them a broad look at your ambitions and plans. You need to associate the medical career you applying for with your dreams and career.

Tips to Help You End Your Medical School Personal Statement

These tips will help you to write a compelling conclusion that will leave a good impression on the reader.

  1. Read the body of the personal statement: Read your personal statement over and over to give you an idea of what you have already mentioned. Read the body of the essay aloud, this might give you direction on how to write your conclusion. You’d also find that some parts might fit better in your conclusion. Reading your essay also prevents you from being repetitive.
  2. Take a breather: Your essay needs to be well-thought-out, so it is advisable to take your time to write your essay, there is no need to rush. Taking a breather from writing the essay will give you a chance to look at the essay with “fresher’s eyes”
  3. Make notes as you go: It is important to take notes while writing your essay, the perfect inspiration for a conclusion might come at any time even while you are writing an essay. Noting down these ideas is the best thing to do while writing an essay so as not to forget these points.
  4. Avoid writing a long conclusion: Your conclusion should be short and concise. Do not drag your conclusion, this will make the rest of your essay look unserious. You should avoid using “In conclusion”
  5. Avoid lying:  Make sure that you are truthful while writing your personal statement. This is not a box-ticking exercise, which will make your essay sound generic. In turn, this will make your conclusion sound boring and substandard. It’s best to talk about what stood out to you in your experiences relating to medicine.

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