
Harvard University Tuition Fees 2023-2024 Academic Year

What does it cost to attend Harvard University? How much is Harvard university tuition per semester? How much does it cost to go to Harvard University for 4 years? How much is Harvard university tuition and fees per academic year?

Read on for more details concerning the estimated living expenses and tuition costs for graduate and undergraduate degree programs at Harvard University.

Pursuing a degree at Harvard University is more expensive. But that shouldn’t make you scared because you might not have to pay the full amount of tuition in order to enroll in a program.

With the help of grants, scholarships, and tuition discounts, many students pay much less than the entire tuition. Student loans may also increase the expense of tuition until you have graduated from this prestigious institution and secured a high-paying job.

The price of Harvard tuition and other fees is updated yearly and is subject to change. Note that future tuition fees and average monthly expenses for students may vary from year to year.

The estimated living expenses for rooms and board cost around $19,502, estimated travel costs $4,150, and estimated personal expenses (including $800-$1,000 for books) is $3,500, while the tuition fee is $54,768. There is no in-state discount, therefore all students must pay the same amount regardless of whether they live in Massachusetts or not.

We will update this page with the updated figures once there are published. Harvard tuition and fee charges for the 2023-2024 academic year are outlined in the table below.

FULL-TIME STUDENTS Per Academic Year $54,768
PART-TIME STUDENTS Per Academic Year $27,384
STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE Per Academic Year $75

Harvard university tuition and fees may vary depending on the program and course level as outlined in the table below.

Harvard University Tuition Fees

Courses Duration Tuition Fees
Medicine and HealthCare (4 Courses) 4 Year – 5 Year USD 50420 – USD 54200
MBA (1 Course) 2 year USD 73440
Engineering (9 Courses) 1 Year – 4 Year USD 41832 – USD 50420
Science (3 Courses) 4 year USD 50420
Arts (5 Courses) 1 Year – 5 Year USD 19444 – USD 54200
Information Technology (IT) (2 Courses) 2 Year – 4 Year USD 49500 – USD 51925

Financial Aid Statistics for Harvard University

At Harvard University, 58% of undergraduates enrolled full-time received financial aid in the form of fellowships, scholarships, or grants from the school or from local, state, or federal government organizations.

Throughout the last academic year, for example, this help cost an average of $57,877 per student. Aid from grants and scholarships doesn’t have to be repaid. Federal student loans averaged $5,071 for 3% of students, and private student loans cost an average of $10,151 for 6% of undergraduates.

To find out more about the forms of aid available for students and how to apply, visit the school website at https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid.

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