Yale University Courses and Requirements

Yale University is a private Ivy League research university based in New Haven, Connecticut. Established in 1701, this university is the third-oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and among the most prestigious in the world.

Thousands of degree candidates are enrolled at the university which has a campus in New Haven, Connecticut. These students are undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.

Yale’s students graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue professional careers, live meaningful and successful lives, and find joy in life-long learning.

The mission of Yale University is to develop leaders who make a difference in the world through excellence in teaching, learning, and research.

You will have enough time to consider your alternatives, regardless of whether you have hundreds of options in mind or are certain of your academic focus.

Graduates from Yale university are qualified for leadership positions in every imaginable field, regardless of their major. Explore the available courses below.

Yale University Courses

There are various undergraduate and postgraduate programs offered in the school that you can enroll in. Yale University also offers free online courses with certificates for professionals, lifelong learners, and international students who are willing to learn from their comfort zone.

Below is a list of graduate and undergraduate programs offered by Yale University for both citizens and international students.

  1. Accounting (ACCT)
  2. Aerospace Studies (USAF)
  3. African American Studies (AFAM)
  4. African Studies (AFST)
  5. Akkadian (AKKD)
  6. American Sign Language (ASL)
  7. American Studies (AMST)
  8. Ancient Greek (GREK)
  9. Anthropology (ANTH)
  10. Applied Mathematics (AMTH)
  11. Applied Physics (APHY)
  12. Arabic (ARBC)
  13. Archaeological Studies (ARCG)
  14. Architecture (ARCH)
  15. Armenian (ARMN)
  16. Art (ART)
  17. Astronomy (ASTR)
  18. Biology (BIOL)
  19. Biomedical Engineering (BENG)
  20. Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian (SBCR)
  21. British Studies (BRST)
  22. Burmese (BURM)
  23. Chemical Engineering (CENG)
  24. Chemistry (CHEM)
  25. Child Study (CHLD)
  26. Chinese (CHNS)
  27. Classical Civilization (CLCV)
  28. Classics (CLSS)
  29. Cognitive Science (CGSC)
  30. Comparative Literature (LITR)
  31. Computer Science (CPSC)
  32. Computer Science and Economics (CSEC)
  33. Computing and the Arts (CPAR)
  34. Czech (CZEC)
  35. Directed Studies (DRST)
  36. Dutch (DUTC)
  37. Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS)
  38. East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL)
  39. East Asian Studies (EAST)
  40. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (E&EB)
  41. Economics (ECON)
  42. Education Studies (EDST)
  43. Egyptian (EGYP)
  44. Electrical Engineering (EENG)
  45. Energy Studies (ENRG)
  46. Engineering & Applied Science (ENAS)
  47. English Language and Literature (ENGL)
  48. Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
  49. Environmental Studies (EVST)
  50. Ethics, Politics, & Economics (EP&E)
  51. Ethnicity, Race, & Migration (ER&M)
  52. Film and Media Studies (FILM)
  53. Finnish (FNSH)
  54. Forestry and Environment Studies (F&ES)
  55. French (FREN)
  56. German Studies (GMAN)
  57. Global Affairs (GLBL)
  58. Global Health Studies (HLTH)
  59. Hebrew (HEBR)
  60. Hindi (HNDI)
  61. History (HIST)
  62. History of Art (HSAR)
  63. History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health (HSHM)
  64. Human Rights Studies (HMRT)
  65. Humanities (HUMS)
  66. Hungarian (HGRN)
  67. Indonesian (INDN)
  68. Italian Studies (ITAL)
  69. Japanese (JAPN)
  70. Judaic Studies (JDST)
  71. Khmer (KHMR)
  72. Kiswahili (SWAH)
  73. Korean (KREN)
  74. Latin (LATN)
  75. Latin American Studies (LAST)
  76. Linguistics (LING)
  77. Mathematics (MATH)
  78. Mechanical Engineering (MENG)
  79. Modern Greek/Hellenic Studies (MGRK)
  80. Modern Middle East Studies (MMES)
  81. Modern Tibetan (MTBT)
  82. Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MB&B)
  83. Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
  84. Music (MUSI)
  85. Naval Science (NAVY)
  86. Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (NELC)
  87. Neuroscience (NSCI)
  88. Ottoman (OTTM)
  89. Persian (PERS)
  90. Philosophy (PHIL)
  91. Physics (PHYS)
  92. Polish (PLSH)
  93. Political Science (PLSC)
  94. Portuguese (PORT)
  95. Psychology (PSYC)
  96. Punjabi (PNJB)
  97. Religious Studies (RLST)
  98. Romanian (ROMN)
  99. Russian (RUSS)
  100. Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (RSEE)
  101. Sanskrit (SKRT)
  102. Science (SCIE)
  103. Sinhala (SNHL)
  104. Slavic Languages and Literatures (SLAV)
  105. Sociology (SOCY)
  106. South Asian Studies (SAST)
  107. Spanish (SPAN)
  108. Special Divisional Major (SPEC)
  109. Statistics and Data Science (S&DS)
  110. Study of the City (STCY)
  111. Tamil (TAML)
  112. The DeVane Lecture Course (DEVN)
  113. Theater and Performance Studies (THST)
  114. Tibetan (TBTN)
  115. Turkish (TKSH)
  116. Twi (TWI)
  117. Ukrainian (UKRN)
  118. Urban Studies (URBN)
  119. Vietnamese (VIET)
  120. Wolof (WLOF)
  121. Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
  122. Yoruba (YORU)
  123. Zulu (ZULU)

Above is the list of Yale University undergraduate and postgraduate courses and the admission requirements. You can check the school website for further details on the courses offered and the requirements for enrollment.

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