Most Affordable Online Master’s in Supply Chain and Logistics

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has reported a surge of jobs for supply chain managers and logisticians in recent years. It is also projected that this surge will continue for the next five years.

A degree in Supply chain Management and logistics will advance a job seeker’s chances of gaining employment in this sector.

Even if a person were to pursue a master’s degree in these courses, time and affordability are also very important factors. Affordability affects one’s willingness to further his/her education. One may not also have the time to attend physical classes.

This article is tailored to outline the most affordable colleges to study these courses online. Keep reading this article for more information as we have carefully curated this article to answer your questions.

Most Affordable Online Master’s in Supply Chain and Logistics

1. Rutgers University –  $19,967

Rutgers University is an accredited university that offers an affordable online Master’s program in supply chain management program. The program can be completed within a year but students can also stretch the duration of study as long as it does not exceed 8 years.

Rutger’s online program covers global procurement, global logistics management, supply management, operations analysis, supply chain management strategies, and risk and disruption management.

Since the main focus of this article is affordability, it would not serve to omit tuition costs. Tuition for online students costs about  $19,967.

2. Kettering University – $13,332

The online master’s program in supply chain management at Kettering University does not require  GMAT. The online courses are fully accredited by Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.

Kettering University offers one of the best online master’s programs, it is also very affordable. Tuition costs about $13,332 yearly.

3. Indiana University

Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business offers an affordable online master’s in supply chain management program. It takes less than two years to complete a master’s program at this university.

Courses running at the university are:- supply chain, distribution and inventory management, accounting, distribution and inventory management, material sourcing, operations management, and operations management. It costs about $10,873 to study at Indiana University.

4. University of West Florida –  $9,062

The University of West Florida’s online supply chain management master’s degree concentrates mostly on supply chain logistics management.

The online courses cover areas like information resources, business process integration, and industry analysis. Tuition for the online master’s program costs about $9,062.

5.  The American Public University – 7,005

The American Public University runs an online program in supply chain management. Its program is one of the most affordable programs. All courses are delivered online and taught by APU’s esteemed faculty.

The online courses cover topics like global issues in supply chain management, case studies in supply chain management, technology in supply chain management, and supply chain analytics.

6. Ohio University – $9,720

Ohio University has a 100% online course supply chain management MBA program. Their online MBA program has been named one of the top online MBA programs in the country. Despite the stellar standard they offer, they also do not charge much. Tuition for the online course is $9,720.

7. Georgia College – $7,314

Georgia College online master’s program in supply chain management and logistics.

Courses covered under Supply chain management and logistics include logistics processes and management, distribution and inventory control, purchasing and materials management, and supply chain management strategy.

Their online program is very affordable as tuition costs just  $7,314.

8. University of North Carolina

The University of North Carolina has one of the most affordable master’s in supply chain management online degree programs in the country. It takes only a year for one to complete the online master’s program.

The courses covered in the program are supply chain management,  management information systems, and operations management.

9. Clayton State University –  $7,234

Clayton State University offers an affordable online supply chain management master’s degree through the college’s School of Business.

Topics covered by the university’s online master’s program in supply chain management are:- decision-making, global logistics and supply chain management, business data management foundation of business analytics.

Tuition costs just about  $7,234.

10. The University of South Florida – $10,428

The University of South Florida’s Muma College of Business offers accredited online supply chain management programs for students pursuing a graduate degree.

Despite being an online course, students are required to be present on campus for a week at every semester’s resumption.

Tuition costs about $10,428.

Above is a carefully curated compilation of the most affordable online colleges for supply chain management and logistics. We hope that you found this article informative and insightful.

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